Registered Service Agencies and Registered Service Providers

The Uniform Regulation covering the registration of servicepersons and service agencies was developed and adopted by the National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) in 1966, retitled in 1983, and substantially revised in 1984. It is designed to promote uniformity among those jurisdictions that provide for or are contemplating the establishment of some type of control over the servicing of commercial weighing and measuring devices. It offers to a serviceperson or to a service agency the opportunity to register and carries with it the privilege of restoring devices to service and of placing new or used devices in service.

Two unique features of the registration plan are its voluntary nature and the provision for reciprocity. Registration is not required; however, the privileges gained make it attractive. Also, to provide maximum effectiveness of the program and to reduce legal obstacles to a minimum to service across state lines, provision is made for reciprocity in certification of standards and testing equipment among states.

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